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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS

'Covid-19' Search Results

Do Digital Competency and Self-Leadership Influence Teachers' Innovative Work Behavior?

digital competency innovative work behavior self-leadership

Fetty Poerwita Sary , Nidya Dudija , Milleniartha Moslem


This study investigates whether digital competency and self-leadership influence teachers’ innovative work behavior in Islamic International schools. The participants in the quantitative research were 108 teachers from the Islamic International School, who were selected using saturated sampling. The researchers used a 41 items questionnaire to collect data on the study variables. Quantitative data were analyzed by applying structural equation modeling partial least squares (SEM-PLS) using Smart-PLS 3. According to the study's findings, digital competency has a positive and significant impact on innovative work behavior, while self-leadership also has a positive impact that significantly influences innovative work behavior. Overall, the impact of digital competency and self-leadership simultaneously was 0.584 or 58.4%, while the other variables not tested in this study influenced the other 41.6%. This research emphasizes schools to improve building their teachers’ innovative work behavior and for teachers themselves through training, self-development programs, building knowledge sharing among teachers and school leaders, and open ideas about developing pedagogical and sustainable programs for schools.

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Pages: 1449-1463
cloud_download 437
visibility 1572
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An earlier study found that assistive technology based on mobile applications significantly improved how social skills were taught to and learned by autism spectrum disorder (ASD) children. Nevertheless, the content of the existing mobile applications is inadequate for capturing the diversity of Malaysian culture, making it unacceptable for local use. Considering cultural norms is a factor in developing social skills in ASD children. It is therefore necessary to develop new assistive technology based on mobile applications that consider Malaysian cultural norms.  As a result, the Multimedia Interactive Social Skills Module (MISSM) application was created based on the Addie Model, which offers a systematic process for assisting in developing successful instructional material by fusing instructional theory with learning theory. The MISSM application is based on Malaysia's current social skills curriculum, which helps ASD children become socially competent. Hopefully, it will help them develop better social skills and achieve academically. Finally, local culture-sensitive material for assistive technology based on mobile applications would support Malaysia's adoption of a technology-based teaching and learning strategy and contribute to a better understanding of social skills.

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Pages: 1465-1477
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visibility 1586
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The problems in education in the countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) vary from country to country. The differences between "upper class" and "lower class" countries in PISA assessment results have led to a research gap. The purpose of this study was to (a) test students' mathematical literacy skills on the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) test and compare the results using the sum of means across OECD countries; (b) examine the relationship between students' mathematical competence, precision, and self-perception of mathematical literacy skills in the PISA test; and (c) analyze the gaps that exist between the implementation of mathematics instruction in school and the mathematical literacy as measured on the PISA test. This study was designed as a mixed method with an explanatory sequential design. The data collection methods included test procedures, questionnaires, and interviews. The result of this study showed that the overall mean score obtained was below the OECD average. In general, the respondents achieved only level 2 mathematics proficiency. A significant relationship was found between mathematical competence, precision, and self-perception in mathematical skills. On the other hand, there was a gap, namely the difference at the implementation level, where mathematical literacy measured by PISA differed from the measurement of mathematical learning achievement by teachers in school. The results showed that teaching that emphasizes only problem-solving procedures affects low mathematical competence and is not useful enough for students to deal with the PISA mathematics test.

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Pages: 1479-1493
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visibility 2252
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Some Indonesians may still regard online education as a novel, although they frequently engage in online-related activities without even realizing it. The quality of learning, satisfaction, achievement, retention, and, more broadly, personal growth are all favorably correlated with student engagement. For students to provide their best effort and succeed in online learning, it is crucial to have good psychological engagement in them. This engagement will help their psychological processes and dispositions to improve. The quantitative research methodology was utilized in this research. In addition, 800 high school students from South Sumatra participated in this research as a sample. The structural equation model is analyzed (SEM). The findings indicated that 85.9 percent of the time, a psychological commitment is influenced by information communications technology (ICT) proficiency, psychosocial processes, and student performance. Thus, the value of .713 indicates that psychological involvement, psychosocial processes, and ICT proficiency all impact student performance. This study demonstrates that every hypothesis has a favorable and significant impact. These circumstances suggest that students who are proficient in ICT and psychosocial processes will be able to enhance their performance through challenging and dry learning. The interaction between students while learning strengthens this condition.

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Pages: 1509-1522
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visibility 1621
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Biology laboratory courses (BLC) are designed to enhance and concretize students’ understanding of biology concepts. However, due to threats posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, education institutions were compelled to devise methods for teaching outside of laboratory structures and in a distant learning format. This phenomenological research explored the teachers’ articulation in the delivery of online distance learning (ODL) in BLC. Specifically, this study identified various methods and alternatives employed by biology teachers in conducting laboratory activities. Purposive sampling was used to select participants in survey, interview, and focus group discussion. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis. The study revealed that teachers articulate the delivery of online biology laboratory courses by employing different instructional practices in the three areas of learning experience: planning, implementing, and assessing stages. The results provide practical implications for the improvement of biology instruction and recommendations to support the delivery of flexible learning modalities during educational disruptions.

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Pages: 1601-1616
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visibility 957
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In the Indonesian context, English is considered a local subject and there is no mandated curriculum for English in elementary schools. Meanwhile, English has been a compulsory subject taught at the secondary school level. The present study aims to explore barriers to teaching English experienced by non-native English teachers in Indonesian secondary schools and policy recommendations. The study employed a qualitative case study method. Concerning the data collection, the authors garnered the data through semi-structured interviews with six non-native English teachers teaching at private and public secondary schools in Indonesia. The findings of the study reveal that several barriers experienced by non-native English teachers include lack of training in English teaching and learning, academic literacy among non-native English teachers, school facilities, English-relevant materials, student motivation, and English exposure outside of school. Drawing on these results, some policy recommendations to improve English language teaching in the Indonesian context are discussed in this study.

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Pages: 1617-1629
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visibility 2567
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Self-Efficacy and Attitudes Toward Computers of General and Special Education Teachers in Greece During the COVID-19 Period

ict general education special education teachers

Alexandros Proedrou , Margarita Stankova , Maria Malagkoniari , Polina Mihova


During COVID-19 in Athens, Greece, 535 general education and 170 special education teachers were tested for computer use self-efficacy, ICT competence, and computer attitudes. Demographic and occupational factors impacted computer attitudes and computer use self-efficacy. The GCAS and GCSES showed that general and special education teachers liked computers. Teachers were computer-savvy and confident. Computer attitudes boosted computer use self-efficacy. Computer self-efficacy is strongly linked with computer attitudes, subscales of confidence and affection and moderately linked with cognitions about computers. Age, position, and ICT training substantially influenced computer attitudes and computer use self-efficacy. ICT-trained teachers had improved their attitudes and computer use self-efficacy. Computer self-efficacy and attitudes about computers did not change for special education teachers, but computer confidence increased. Except for those under 25, younger teachers demonstrated higher computer self-efficacy than older ones.

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Pages: 1645-1656
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visibility 1117
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Advertising Management of Early Childhood Education Institution: Challenges, Opportunities, and Development

advertising management early childhood education education promotion management technology

Upik Elok Endang Rasmani , Alfan Sarifudin , Siti Wahyuningsih , Novita Eka Nurjanah , Jumiatmoko , Nurul Shofiatin Zuhro , Anjar Fitrianingtyas , Bambang Winarji , Yuanita Kristiani Wahyu Widiastuti


Advertising or promotion management analyses, plans, and monitors programs to create target market exchanges and achieve institutional goals. Early childhood education (ECE) is an educational institution needing advertising management. This study examines the implementation of ECE advertising management in terms of challenges, opportunities, and developments. This study showed two major areas: 1) practitioners were more innovative and creative in using technology to develop advertising management, and 2) the educational institution got better recognition from society, especially parents. This study uses the literature study method, assisted by the publish perish application, to find reference sources related to educational advertising management for ECE. The study showed that the ability of schools and teachers to provide services based on consumers’ demands influenced the implementation of organisational advertising management challenges. Meanwhile, advertising management developments were sometimes affected by the actions of the advertising media. Social media informed consumers about the institution without spending more money and effort.

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Pages: 1731-1742
cloud_download 535
visibility 1471
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The Implementation of Flipped Learning Model and STEM Approach in Elementary Education: A Systematic Literature Review

elementary education e-learning flipped learning stem technology

Rusnilawati Rusnilawati , Siti Rahaimah Binti Ali , Mazarul Hasan Mohamad Hanapi , Sutama Sutama , Farizky Rahman


This study aimed to explore the implementation and impact of the Flipped Learning Model (FLM) and STEM Approach in elementary education. The advancement of technology and the Covid-19 pandemic has increased the importance of e-learning, including in elementary schools. The literature review analyzed 193 academic works published in the past six years using NVivo, Mendeley, and VOSviewer software. The validity of the data was verified through the analysis of five online databases. The results showed that STEM research has been well-developed with innovative approaches that improve learning outcomes, while FLM research in elementary schools is limited. The study suggested that combining FLM with STEM Approach (FLM-SA) can optimize learning in the technological era. By integrating FLM-SA, students can engage in active learning experiences in class and acquire fundamental knowledge outside of class, offering a solution to e-learning challenges. The study emphasized the strong connection between FLM and STEM Approach and how they can support each other to enhance student learning.

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Pages: 1795-1814
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visibility 1673
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21st-century learning requires teachers and students to integrate literacy skills, scientific literacy, mathematics, reading, writing, and technology in the learning process. Students must have initiative, discipline, responsibility, confidence, motivation for independent learning, and the ability to think critically about the problems presented. This study aims to determine students' autonomous knowledge and critical thinking abilities (CTA) using mobile learning technology (MLT). This research is a quantitative study involving 83 students from four junior high schools in the city of Mataram. The data collection for independent learning and students' CTA was carried out by giving tests and non-tests to students. The test conducted was a written test in the form of a description of 10 questions covering indicators of CTA. The non-test was conducted by giving a student learning independence questionnaire with as many as 15 statements, including five indicators of learning independence. This quantitative research data analysis uses the Rash modeling application with the help of Ministep software. The analysis results show that the learning independence of male and female students in the four junior high schools obtained a percentage of 77.38% in the “good” category. Each indicator of learning independence accepts a percentage above 70%, which is in the excellent category. Meanwhile, the CTA of male and female students from the four junior high schools obtained 75.28% in the “good” category. Each indicator of CTA also gets a percentage of more than 70%, meaning that each indicator is in a good category.

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Pages: 1815-1830
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visibility 1704
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The aim of this exploratory case study is to investigate the impact of the pandemic as an unexpected situational variable on university instructors’ perceptions and attitudes towards technology integration, as well as their foresight about the future of education in post Covid-19 era. The data for the study came from autobiographies, narratives, and opinionnaires. The findings revealed that the degree of familiarity with educational technology and eagerness to integrate technology into education made a difference in academicians’ adaptation to the new mode of delivery. As for their predictions for the future, an increase in the use of educational technology not only in teaching, but also in testing and assessment is expected. Participants also emphasized a need to enhance the infrastructure to avoid any further technical issues and offer continuous development opportunities for teachers and students to become familiar with new technologies.

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Pages: 15-28
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The Resilience of University Youth While Undergoing Digital Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic

digital learning pandemic resilience university youth

Nur Amirrah Yusrisham , Siti Hajar Kamaruddin , Siti Munirah Mauzud , Roslina Ismail


The outbreak of COVID-19 has affected the educational sector globally. One of the impacts of this outbreak is observed in the implementation of digital learning, which involves problems such as poor internet connection and a lack of information technology facilities. However, university youth could be seen as resilient if they could keep up with good academic performance despite going through various challenges of digital learning. Thus, this research would like to explore the resilience of university youth while undergoing the challenges of digital learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research adopted a qualitative approach, and data were collected through semi-structured interviews. Purposive sampling was used, where five respondents among the University Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) youth with a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 3.50 and above were selected in this research. The research found that the challenges faced by the majority of the respondents during digital learning were the non-conducive learning environment and the poor internet connection. In addition, findings also found two protective factors that helped the respondents be resilient, identified as the internal factor (i.e., self-concept and cultural sensitivity) and the external factor (i.e., parents' support and positive peer relationships). The research findings showed that the university youth also need support and help from various parties alongside their own efforts in academics in order to face any kinds of risky situations and grow as resilient youth.

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Pages: 29-41
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visibility 1012
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Course Dropout Intention Scale: Development and Validation of a New Brief Measure in Academic College Context

brief measure college student course dropout dropout intention dropout studies

Daniel E. Yupanqui-Lorenzo , Lizbeth Angela Jara-Osorio , Carlos Carbajal-León , Tomás Caycho-Rodríguez , Manuel Antonio Cardoza Sernaqué , Kerly Stefanny Duran Quispe


University students may encounter situations where they perform poorly in a course and contemplate dropping out. This intention to drop out of a course manifests not only in thoughts or ideas but also in a cognitive self-evaluation of their performance and skills, enabling them to reflect on the possibility of dropping out. In this sense, there is a shortage of instruments that evaluate the intention to drop out of a course, so the aim was to develop and validate the Course Dropout Intention Scale (CDIS). Data from two samples (N1 = 198; N2 = 675) were used; the first was for the EFA, and the second was for the CFA, GRM, and SEM. The one-factor model was derived from the EFA and confirmed in the second sample, exhibiting appropriate goodness-of-fit indices. Similarly, the GRM obtained adequate fit indices; all items discriminated adequately, and the difficulty parameter had a monotonic increase. The SEM model of the effect of satisfaction with studies on the CDIS showed a negative and statistically significant effect. Thus, it was demonstrated that the CDIS is a robust instrument in its psychometric properties and empirical evidence with other variables.

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Pages: 103-113
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visibility 1617
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The Impact of COVID-19 on Educational Climate in Dental Students - A Cross Sectional Study

covid-19 dreem educational climate

Marta Relvas , Cristina Cabral , Filomena Salazar , Paula López-Jarana , Márcia Rocha , Rosana Costa , Luis Monteiro , Maria Gonçalves


Students' perception of educational climate influences academic performance, and its analysis provides essential information to improve it. To evaluate the perception of 3rd and 5th grade students regarding educational climate, before and during the pandemic. A descriptive, cross-sectional study was performed involving dental students, who answered the Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM) questionnaire. The overall DREEM and its 5 subscales were analyzed evaluating two period times, before and during the pandemic. There were statistically significant differences when comparing the results obtained by 3rd and 5th grade students, before and during the pandemic, with effect magnitude from high to very high. It is noteworthy that 3rd graders have more positive perceptions compared to 5th graders. The 3rd year students felt more strongly the difficulties inherent to the COVID-19 pandemic. While in the 3rd year the students had less Educational Climate during the pandemic, the 5th year student had better Educational Climate in this period, perhaps because they maintain the face-to-face clinical classes. A negative point is associated with the scarce support system for students with stress problems. COVID-19 pandemic affected the perception of the Educational Climate, with a significant difference between of 3rd and 5th year dental students.

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Pages: 171-181
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visibility 1090
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New Challenges of Learning Accounting With Artificial Intelligence: The Role of Innovation and Trust in Technology

artificial intelligence online learning perceived trust personal innovativeness technology adoption

Ayatulloh Michael Musyaffi , Bobur Sobirov Baxtishodovich , Bambang Afriadi , Muhammad Hafeez , Maulana Amirul Adha , Sandi Nasrudin Wibowo


Online learning has become increasingly popular, making the learning process more attractive. One of the most popular learning media is artificial intelligence (AI). However, students do not accept this technology at all. Therefore, this study examined the factors influencing accounting students' acceptance of AI in learning. The survey was conducted with 147 higher-education students who use AI as a learning medium. The data were analyzed using SmartPLS 4.0 with the partial least square approach. The results showed that perceived usefulness influenced behavioral intention to use and satisfaction. However, perceived ease of use was only significant for satisfaction. Similarly, perceived confidence must be consistent with intention. Although it may influence perceived usefulness, other constructs, such as AI quality and personal innovativeness, can increase students' perceptions of the benefits and convenience of adopting AI in learning. Thus, this study contributes to the development of the technology acceptance model (TAM) and the information systems success model and is helpful to scholars, especially in applying AI in learning. They need to pay attention to the quality of AI, such as the accuracy of the information produced. Thus, the need to control the information from the AI only serves as a reference without requiring you to trust it completely.

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Pages: 183-195
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visibility 2324
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This study aimed to investigate the relationship between teacher professional development, quality of lecture design, student engagement, teacher technical skills, pedagogical content knowledge and teacher satisfaction in using Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Powered Facilitator for designing lectures. The study used a non-random sample technique, and 208 participants answered a survey via Google Form after one semester, using a 5-point Likert scale to rate their responses. The structural equation model was used to analyze the data, and six factors were included in the study. The study confirmed hypotheses that teacher professional development, quality of lecture design, student engagement, and pedagogical content knowledge have a positive effect on teacher satisfaction. However, the study also revealed that teacher technical skills have a negative effect on teacher satisfaction, and pedagogical content knowledge has no significant effect. The proposed conceptual model explained 55.7% of the variance in teacher satisfaction Theoretical and practical implications were also discussed. These findings provide insights into the factors that contribute to teacher satisfaction in utilizing AI-Powered Facilitator for designing lectures and could inform the development of effective teacher training programs.

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Pages: 219-231
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The swift widespread shift from face-to-face to emergency remote teaching (ERT) due to the COVID-19 pandemic was accompanied by numerous technical, psychological, and pedagogical challenges and prompted educators to look for ways to improve their performance to preserve the high quality of learning. One way to do this is for teachers to adopt charismatic behaviours. This study aims at investigating the concept of and factors determining teachers’ charisma and its connection with students’ intrinsic motivation and perceived learning in a synchronous online learning setting during ERT. The questionnaires measuring students’ intrinsic motivation, perceived learning, and teachers’ charisma were used to collect the responses from Ukrainian university students who reported on their online learning experienced amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The Varimax rotation method was applied to determine the factors of charisma. Correlation analyses established a connection between students’ intrinsic motivation and perceived learning and teachers’ charisma as well as each factor of charisma independently. The research is the first of its kind done in an online learning setting in an Eastern European cultural context. The research validates some previous findings done in a face-to-face teaching context. The current study also established the connection between humor and empathy as a factor of charismatic teaching.

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Pages: 311-324
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Flipped learning (FL) is one of the recent pedagogical models that seeks to promote student agency and hone 21st century skills for lifelong learning through its emphasis on collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, and autonomy. However, only some physical education (PE) classes globally have adopted this method and researched its effectiveness. Thus, this qualitative study discovered how the SPRING online FL model helped enhance the 21st century skills of college PE students. From the students’ responses in the questionnaire and the teacher-researchers observation notes, it was revealed that FL aids in the students’ 21st century skills as it allows the students to collaborate and improve their social skills; analyze people, tasks, and situations to create an output that is not only ingenuous and entertaining but beneficial to all; and study and master the skills independently at their own pace. Future studies can explore testing the SPRING model's effectiveness in younger students and other learning contexts.

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Pages: 413-425
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Community-Based Project Learning: Empowering Students' Self-Regulated Learning and Creativity

community creativity project self-regulated learning

Aynin Mashfufah , I Wayan Dasna , Candra Utama


Changes and challenges in the highly dynamic world of education require postgraduate students to manage their learning well and create something from their creative thinking according to the needs of the field. One of them is the activity of students in developing integrated natural science teaching materials is very necessary because learning at the primary level still uses integrated or thematic learning. Furthermore, students also need to be encouraged to be adaptive to these challenges by empowering their independence in learning. The ability to manage learning and creativity to create something new is highly prioritized for college graduates to contribute generously to their environment. This study aims to describe the empowerment of self-regulated learning and student creativity in developing natural science teaching materials in collaboration through community-based project learning. This study used a quasi-experimental design with a single-subject design type. The instruments used to retrieve data are creativity assessment rubrics and self-regulated learning questionnaires. The conclusion is that students are intrinsically and extrinsically motivated to fulfill the given tasks. Learning is essential for increasing competence, and learning strategies have been adjusted to the material's complexity or the difficulty level of the studied content. The aspect of student creativity in developing Integrated Science teaching materials shows the existence of change from stage one to the next and good categories.

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Pages: 427-443
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Implementing online learning has led to several issues, especially those related on assessments to measure students’ learning achievement. This study aimed to obtain accurate information on learning assessments for vocational high school (VHS) students during online learning, including assessment for learning (AfL), assessment as learning (AaL), and assessment of learning (AoL). It also investigated students’ perceptions of the assessments based on their grades. This quantitative research employed the survey method, collecting data through questionnaires. The population of this research is VHS students in Indonesia, totaling 86,885 students. The participants of this study were 487 VHS students. The data were analyzed using descriptive and ANOVA techniques. The results show that most VHS students positively perceive the assessment of learning achievements in online learning for AfL, AaL, and AoL aspects. Moreover, there is a significant difference in students' perceptions of the assessment in online learning based on grades. The perception of class XII students is the highest (average value = 3.90) of all classes, while the other classes have an average value of 3.38 for class XI, and the average value of class X is 3.81.

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Pages: 445-456
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